Code of Conduct

DTDS has established a Code of Conduct policy that governs all aspects of communication, interaction and accepted behaviors across the company to enable smooth conduct of business. The company management reserves the right to alter or amend the policy as required. Its purpose is to guide the employees in maintaining ethical standards. It provides information about standards of integrity and explains some of the legal and ethical responsibilities. Our Code of Conduct applies to all employees, officers, and members of our board of directors, as well as our company’s subsidiaries around the world. We also expect all suppliers, agents and business partners to uphold similar ethical standards when working with DTDS.

Employees must follow the code of conduct in all their interactions with colleagues, customers, and all stakeholders and when in doubt as to whether any activity is proper, they should seek guidance from the HR team.

In addition to the Code of Conduct, all employees should always keep the core values in mind, ensuring that the decisions promote these values in all activities. It would be wonderful if the right thing to do were always perfectly clear. Life, however, is not always simple. When the right choice is not obvious or doing the right thing is difficult, remember our core values.

The objective behind this is to encourage, promote and regulate discipline in the organization and also, to assist as well as promote all employees to achieve and maintain standards of conduct for performance. All employees working at DTDS are required to abide by the rules and regulations framed thereunder unless otherwise stated.

The Code of Conduct helps demonstrate the commitment to conducting business with integrity. To fulfill the responsibilities towards customers, suppliers, employees, and entities, everyone is expected to honour certain commitments, regardless of our position within the company.

Read, understand and abide by the requirements of the Code of Conduct. Remain alert to any actual or suspected illegal or unethical conduct that occurs in connection with DTDS business. Adopt a culture that prevents retaliation against anyone who reports actual or suspected violations of the Code of Conduct. Seek advice from the appropriate person in case of any questions or concerns about the Code of Conduct, company policies or the law. Demonstrate, through daily conduct the personal commitment to the Code of Conduct.

In addition to the shared commitments, the managers have an extra set of responsibilities. Managers are stewards of the Code of Conduct, and are expected to lead by example and to be models of good, ethical behavior. Every Manager has a duty to Implement and enforce this Code of Conduct, foster a culture that promotes ethical conduct, integrity and trustworthiness in all business activities and relationships. Ensure that team members review and understand our Code of Conduct. Ensure that employees receive proper training on what the Code of Conduct means and how it applies to them, on their responsibilities regarding reporting actual or suspected violations of the Code of Conduct and on the various options for reporting actual or suspected violations. Provide employees with multiple ways to obtain advice and guidance concerning our Code of Conduct. Conduct prompt appropriate investigations of reports of actual or suspected misconduct escalating issues when necessary. Take appropriate action when violations of our Code of Conduct occur.


Any act of omission and or commission either singly or in collaboration is detrimental to the interest of the business, or maintenance of discipline or interest or reputation or prestige of the management, shall account of misconduct whether committed within or outside the premises of the company.
The following conduct of the employee will be deemed as misconduct:

  • If been dishonest in a business transaction, which includes deliberately realizing confidential information and or copying documents manuals, disks, computer files to others without the approval of the senior authority.
  • In case any employee causes physical injury or harm with or without using any kind of weapon or tries to deter the management, manager or employees, engages in destruction activities within the organization.
  • In case of offering or accepting bribes.
  • If taken part or compel other employees to take part in unlawful and or illegal activities.
  • If willingly slows down the work so as to harm the interest of the organization.
  • If knowingly destroys the property of the establishment or causes damage to it or use it to any other way.
  • If an employee performs any activity with the motive to cause losses or damage to the company’s IP and secrecy of the technology of the enterprise.
  • Disobeying any order by the management or refuses to follow willingly the order and directions made by the management.
  • Rendering any kind of service elsewhere without prior approval of the organization or engaging for employment.
  • Losing and or mishandling company assets.
  • Act of dishonesty towards fellow employees.
  • Using offensive, vile or obscene language.
  • Contacting any media person for communication without prior approval of the company with regards to the work or assignment to be carried out by him or her or any other person in the organization.
  • Encourage relatives and friends at office premises to discuss or resolve any personal problems or any other non-official issues.
  • Submitting false declaration regarding proof of age, qualification, and citizenship.
  • Interfering or tampering official records, document, register pertaining to the management or to him or her self or other employees.
  • Disrupting in the collection of the evidence and facts with regards to misconduct.
  • Damaging or destroying any document of the organization. Refusing to comply with the security procedure of the organization.
  • Register the attendance of other employees.
  • Smoking, in a non-smoking area in the company premises.
  • Sexual harassment of any kind at the workplace.
  • Committing any act of immorality within the precincts of the company or outside affecting the reputation of the organization.
  • Non-observance of safety rules and regulations.
  • Chewing pan, Tobacco, or any other similar material while on duty.
  • Incivility or discourtesy towards client, visitor, and supervisor.
  • Failure to comply with various other procedures and duties.

DTDS operates in full compliance with the laws, rules, and regulations of the geographies in which we do business. Many such laws are complex and may change over time, varying between countries. In case of any questions about a particular law or regulation, or how it applies to work at DTDS, the HR Department may be contacted.