Lite-On Optoelectronic Corp

Lite-On Optoelectronics offers both visible and infrared product solutions in the optoelectronic components industry. High-volume capacities for commodity items and application-specific products, combined with strong R&D and vertical integration, are a key distinguishing attribute to Lite-On’s market position.

Product Highlights

  • LED Lamps
    1. Conventional & High Brightness LED
    2. Circuit Board Indicators
  • LED Display
    1. Seven Segment Displays
    2. Alphanumeric & Graphic LED
  • Displays
    1. Dot Matrix Displays
    2. IC Driver Built-in LED displays
  • White LED Lamps
    1. White Chip LEDs
    2. PLCC LEDs
    3. Side View PLCC LEDs
    4. Flash LEDs
    5. Light Bars
  • SMD LED Lamps
    1. Chip & PLCC LEDs
  • Power LED
  • Optical Communication solutions
    1. Optocouplers & Opto switch
    2. Infrared LEDs & Photodetectors
    3. Ambient light & proximity sensor
    4. Photolinks
    5. Interrupters Sensor
    6. IrDA Transceiver Module
    7. Optical encoder